Friday, December 19, 2008

Hadleigh turned 5 years old on November 18th. She is in morning Pre-K at Challenger School 5 days a week, and loves it. She recently earned her blending badge, and has read the first two booklets in the "We're Off" Challenger Reading Series. Her hand writing has greatly improved and she often writes me little notes that say "I love you Mom, Love Hadleigh" or "Thank you Mom". Hadleigh colors, writes, and draws everyday. She asked Santa for a desk and books for Christmas. Hadleigh loves to learn new things and is constantly looking through The New Book of World Knowledge or my Medical dictionary. Hadleigh loves dancing and did a fabulous job at her Christmas dance recital. She is looking forward to starting a tumbling class in January, and has been working on her cartwheels. Hadleigh enjoys playing with friends and cousins and is constantly trying to set up her own playdates. She is thrilled it finally snowed, but thinks we should fire the weatherman because she likes to be surprised when it snows. She gets so upset when the weather comes on. Hadleigh loves playing with Colton and refuses to leave him alone when he has friends over. She doesn't understand why they don't always want her tagging along. Hadleigh says the funniest things and makes us laugh daily. She is a joy to be around. We love you Hadleigh Bug!

1 comment:

  1. Cute Blog! mine is I love your background! This is addicting too watchout!!
